
the painter at work


By allowing our senses, our imaginations, our minds and bodies

to fulfil their God-given potentials for creativity,

we glorify God.

We believe it does our souls good (and pleases God) when we create,

through writing and storytelling, poetry, cooking, music, painting and other art forms.




Trust in God at all times, people. Pour out your hearts to the Holy One.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.



The heavens are telling the glory of God and the world shouts out God’s handiwork.

In the presence of our loving Creator, we join all that is being created and re-created
and become silent.

In the presence of our loving Creator, we look honestly at our living over recent days, the highs, the lows and the level ground
and become still.

In the presence of my loving Creator, I surrender to life as it unfolds – creatively – and let my heart become one with the Source.




We have such high hopes of our creativity, God. We love it and neglect it; we encourage it and abuse it; we use it to make money, and seldom to make peace.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God

We grieve our violence and abuse, physical and emotional, seen and unseen, to children and grown men, to young girls and the elderly, to the innocent and the criminal.
Out of the depths we cry to you O God. Lord, hear our voice!

We mourn our making do with mediocrity; we are fed up with pedantic prose; we are sick of colourless concrete; we grieve the pragmatics of popularity.
Out of the depths we cry to you O God. Lord, hear our voice!

We long for rainbow handcrafts and dramatic dances, stirring stories and flamboyant garments, fun food and gentle songs, poignant poetry and crazy pottery.
Out of the depths we cry to you O God. Lord, hear our voice!

Jesus, you came so that we may have life – life in all its fullness.
What we long for is at hand. Thank you.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God

Sing: O Lord have mercy, O Lord have mercy, O Lord have mercy; have mercy on us. (Wuest)




Ps. 104             or                     Isa. 65:17-25                 or         Mark 6:30-44

Matt. 13:34-35                           Matt. 17:24-27                           Eph. 5:19-20

Silence for reflecting on the readings



: invite the Holy Spirit to inspire a creative reading of one of the scriptures

: create a tune / clay model / parable /  food / a message on p/point or slide show

: create a central worship focus from things present in the room




Let’s hold in the light and peace of God of our elders, and mentors, craftspeople and curators, especially today…


Silence or open prayer



Life-giving Breath of God, you move
In the pattern and play of all that lives.
You stir the sap in every stem,
The beating of every heart,
Each cell dividing in the womb.
You spark the artist’s vision and the poet’s song,
The burning word on the prophet’s lips.

In the struggles and surprises of this day
Give us imagination to see fresh pathways.
Breathe in us your playfulness and curiosity.
Let our lives overflow with hope-filled stories,
With music and flavours of the new creation,
Your coming reign of peace.

To tired eyes and closed minds,
In hearts dulled by poverty or wealth,
On earth as in heaven Your Kingdom come!
