Directing our celebrations to God in worship,
we look for excuses to throw parties,
consciously marking every milestone and achievement –
no matter how small!
We want to be people of generosity,
who refuse to take ourselves too seriously.
Trust in God at all times, people. Pour out your hearts to the Holy One.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
Sing: In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful; in the Lord I will rejoice.
Look to God! Do not be afraid! Lift up your voices the Lord is here! (Taize)
God of generosity and diversity, we praise you,
joining with all the universe, with the earth and everything in it,
seen and unseen, from West and East, South and North.
Together we celebrate your ongoing creation, your endless renewal
of this world you so loved that you gave and gave and gave.
In the silence, knowing that you love us to the death,
We have the courage to be honest about how we are
And to share ourselves openly with you, Lover of our souls.
Regardless of our feelings right now,
We choose to celebrate God’s resilient love and generous faithfulness.
Sing: Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father. There is no shadow of turning with thee.
Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not. As thou hast been thou forever will be.
Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning thy mercies I see.
All I have needed thy hand has provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.
Many people are at this moment suffering the agonies of war.
How can we presume to celebrate in the face of such violence, devastation and horror?
How can we sing the Lord’s song in this strange land, this strained world?
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted
We stand in solidarity with all losers and winners,
all aggressors and victims,
recognising these in ourselves….
O suffering one, you have emptied yourself and shown humanity how to embrace its darkness.
O loving spirit, you dwell with us, your heart afire with hope and longing.
O mothering essence, you nourish us, deepen us, and invite us to resurrection and delight.
We bow our heads in humility and profound thanksgiving for the many freedoms we enjoy….
Individuals speak out freedoms they are thankful for.
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted
Ps. 148 or Jer. 33:1-11 or John 2:1-11
Mark 11:1-10 Luke 15:11-32 1 Pet. 1.3-9
Silence for reflecting on the readings
: meditation ~ either lectio divina or gospel contemplation
: celebratory group dance e.g. Psalm 117 (Sons of Korah)
: a meal together / sharing a bottle of wine and loaf of bread
Let’s hold in the light and joy of God our friends and extended families worldwide, and especially today…
Silence or open prayer
Jesus our surprising Messiah,
Secret source of the finest wine,
Scandal of pious society,
You shared a table with Pharisee and outcast alike.
To you they brought their pain and passion,
Their perfume to pour on your feet.
And the angels partied in heaven.
With you, Jesus, we want to celebrate
Every small sign of your Kingdom,
To be free with praise as well as protest.
Let there be festivity in our gatherings today,
A welcome for the hurting and the lonely
And a taste of the great feast to come.
When the wine has run dry,
Where the poor are shut out,
On earth as in Heaven
Your Kingdom come! Amen