
Reconciliation  - Coventry

In our lives, in our homes, in our communities and in our world,

we honour God and renew our souls by recognising and creating beauty.

In particular, we want to see and celebrate the beauty

inherent in ourselves and in each other.




Trust in God at all times, people. Pour out your hearts to the Holy One.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.



Sing:     Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below.

Praise him above all heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen


The Lord is here. God’s Spirit is present.

We can never not be in the presence of God:

We are totally surrounded.[1]

We are surrounded by beauty.

The Lord is here. God’s Spirit is present.

One thing I have asked of the Lord. This is what I seek:

That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,

To behold the beauty of the Lord…
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.



God, we mourn how much of your beauty we overlook …

The water lily in a stagnant black pond

A smile creasing a scarred, broken face

The flesh of a simple green coconut

The warmth of a full-bodied hug

An orchid spraying from straggling bark

The freshness of transparent conversation

The lightness of silk

The delight of daring to dance

The tang of lemon grass

Individuals speak out their own descriptive phrases …


Three things are too wonderful for me, four I do not understand:

the way of an eagle in the sky,

the way of a snake on a rock,

the way of a ship on the high seas,

and the way of a man with a woman.

Wonder, mystery, beauty … God.  Yes.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.



Ps. 19               or                     Job 39              or                     John 20:10-18

Mark 9:2-8                                 John 12:1-8                               Rev. 4

Silence for reflecting on the readings



:identify and share a thing of beauty in the room  / walk outside together & enjoy
:contemplation of art work – pottery, a quilt, a deliciously presented meal
:read aloud a poem – Keats’ Endymion: A thing of beauty is a joy forever – or Gerard Manley   Hopkins’: God’s Grandeur.  



Let’s hold in the light and tenderness of God our created world, and especially today….

Silence or open prayer


Season of rebirth



Holy Spirit of God

Your beauty is beyond seeing and telling

Yet it touches us at every turn,

Often unexpectedly,

In the warm light of a new day,

The loveliness of faces, the music of laughter.

And it shines through the life of Jesus,

So completely surrendered to you.


Open our eyes today, Holy Spirit

To beauty all around us,

In ourselves and in each other,

In every life, however bruised or disfigured.

Help us to nurture beauty wherever it will grow.

Let light spill into dark places, let colours glow,

Reawaken lost wonder and rekindle hope.


In this beautiful world marred by sin

On earth as in heaven

Your Kingdom come!   Amen

[1] Richard Rohr